Corporate Branding
August 2022
Rebranding Garantbank |
It was important for us to create an atmosphere of “our” bank. A bank for people, where everything will be simple and clear, where you don’t need to get a higher education to understand what is written in the booklet about getting a mortgage or you won’t get the feeling that there is a catch somewhere. We have reflected simplicity, brevity, openness in our identity.
The arrow in the logo is directed towards the bank, which means that the focus is on the users of the bank. They will get the services they need quickly and fully. The Bank guarantees high-quality and comfortable provision of services.
The font writing of the logo is at the same time strict, with softened corners, speaks of our seriousness, reliability, and at the same time simplicity in a good way. We are not trying to trick the information that our client should receive. We speak directly and simply and with respect.